What are Turbo Oil Leaks?

Oil leaks can cause catastrophic damage to the bearing systems and occur within seconds of the turbocharger commencing operation.

Oil  leaks  can  be  caused  by  a  variety  of   factors,   the   main   factor   being   incorrect   pressure within the compressor and turbine housings.

When a turbocharger is installed correctly, it should NOT leak oil, however, there can be cases where oil leaks occur.

Find out more…

To find out more about the main causes and signs of oil leaks, as well as, information about how to prevent future oil leaks – check out this article!! – Read more…


For further common turbo failure topics, check out our other helps guides

Common turbo failure modes create much discussion between our customers and technical department. To help identify common failures in warranty situations and to provide advice on how to prevent future failures occurring, we have created a series of help guides:


Foreign Object Damage

Oil Leaks

Oil Contamination

Insufficient Lubrication



For further information on this or other topics, visit www.melett.com/technical or contact our Technical team via mel_techsupport@wabtec.com


Date published - 01/03/2019